Date Form Description PDF XBRL Pages
09/11/19 Official notice of an offering of securities that is made without registration under the Securities Act in reliance on an exemption provided by Regulation D and Section 4(a)(5) under the Act. PDF 4
03/02/17 Official notice of an offering of securities that is made without registration under the Securities Act in reliance on an exemption provided by Regulation D and Section 4(a)(5) under the Act. PDF 4
04/21/16 Official notice of an offering of securities that is made without registration under the Securities Act in reliance on an exemption provided by Regulation D and Section 4(a)(5) under the Act. PDF 4
05/01/15 Official notice of an offering of securities that is made without registration under the Securities Act in reliance on an exemption provided by Regulation D and Section 4(a)(5) under the Act. PDF 4
10/09/14 Official notice of an offering of securities that is made without registration under the Securities Act in reliance on an exemption provided by Regulation D and Section 4(a)(5) under the Act. PDF 4
10/04/12 Official notice of an offering of securities that is made without registration under the Securities Act in reliance on an exemption provided by Regulation D and Section 4(a)(5) under the Act. PDF 4

*TXO Partners, L.P. unitholders may request a printed copy free of charge of the Annual Report on Form 10-K, which contains the Partnership’s audited financial statements, by emailing, by writing to Investor Relations, 400 West, 7th Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102, or by completing the Annual Report Request Form.